Windows are an essential part of any home, as they provide natural light, ventilation, and insulation. However, not all windows are created equal. There are different types of window materials, such as wood, vinyl, aluminum, and fiberglass. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your needs and preferences. In this article, we will compare two of the most popular window materials: wood and vinyl. We will look at their pros and cons in terms of maintenance, energy efficiency, design, price, and labor costs.

But what type of windows are the best for your home?

Over the last 3 decades, almost half of all windows sold in the USA were made of wood. Then the sales of wooden windows dropped -some sources say to around 20% of windows sold. It seems that vinyl windows and competitive costs had an influence on the wood window market.

To help you weigh up your options in the vinyl windows vs wood windows debate, lets lok at the different qualities of both materials, and laid out point by point comparison of these two types of windows.

What is a Vinyl Window

Vinyl windows are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a synthetic plastic that is cheap and easy to produce. Vinyl windows are usually hollow, but some of them are filled with extra insulation to improve their energy efficiency. Vinyl windows are available in a variety of colors and styles, but they are mostly white or tan. Vinyl windows are relatively durable and resistant to weathering, but they can warp or fade over time. Vinyl windows are also not very eco-friendly, as they are difficult to recycle.

What is so good about wood?

Wood windows are made of natural wood, such as pine, fir, cedar, mahogany, or oak. Wood windows have interior wood frames that can be stained or painted to match your décor. The exterior frames are usually covered with a layer of aluminum, PVC, or fiberglass to protect them from the elements. Wood windows are valued for their natural beauty and warmth, as they add a touch of elegance and charm to any home. Wood windows are also more insulating than vinyl windows, as wood is a better conductor of heat and cold. Wood windows can last longer than vinyl windows, if they are well maintained and treated.

Vinyl vs Wood – Pros and Cons


One of the main differences between vinyl and wood windows is the amount of maintenance they require. Vinyl windows are almost maintenance-free, as they do not need to be painted or refinished. They only need to be cleaned occasionally with a mild detergent and water. Wood windows, on the other hand, require more upkeep, as they need to be resealed every few years to prevent rot, warping, and water damage. They also need to be painted or stained to keep their appearance and color. Wood windows are more prone to insect infestation, mold growth, and decay than vinyl windows.

Energy Efficiency

Another important factor to consider when choosing between vinyl and wood windows is their energy efficiency. Energy efficiency refers to how well a window prevents heat loss or gain, which affects your indoor temperature and comfort. Energy efficient windows can help you save money on your heating and cooling bills, as well as reduce your carbon footprint. Wood windows are generally more energy efficient than vinyl windows, as wood is a natural insulator that can keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. However, the quality and type of wood, as well as the glazing and sealing of the windows, can affect their energy performance. Vinyl windows can also be energy efficient, if they are filled with insulation or have low-emissivity (low-E) glass that reflects heat. However, vinyl windows can expand and contract with temperature changes, which can create gaps and leaks that reduce their energy efficiency.


Another aspect to compare between vinyl and wood windows is their design and appearance. Design refers to the shape, size, style, and color of the windows, as well as how they match your home’s architecture and décor. Appearance refers to the aesthetic appeal and quality of the windows, as well as how they look over time. Wood windows have a classic and timeless design that can suit any home style, from traditional to modern. Wood windows have a natural and warm appearance that can enhance the curb appeal and value of your home. Wood windows can also be customized to fit any size and shape, and can be painted or stained to any color. Vinyl windows have a more contemporary and sleek design that can also fit various home styles, especially newer ones. Vinyl windows have a smooth and clean appearance that can also improve the look and value of your home. Vinyl windows are more limited in terms of customization, as they are mostly available in standard sizes and shapes, and cannot be painted or stained to different colors.

Price of Windows

One of the most obvious differences between vinyl and wood windows is their price. Price refers to the cost of the windows themselves, as well as the installation and warranty. Vinyl windows are cheaper than wood windows, as vinyl is a less expensive material than wood. Vinyl windows can cost anywhere from $150 to $400 per window, depending on the size, style, and quality. Wood windows are more expensive than vinyl windows, as wood is a more premium and scarce material than vinyl. Wood windows can cost anywhere from $300 to $800 per window, depending on the type of wood, size, style, and quality.

Labor Costs

Another factor that affects the price of vinyl and wood windows is the labor costs. Labor costs refer to the amount of money you pay to the window installer or contractor for their work and expertise. Labor costs can vary depending on the location, season, and complexity of the project. Vinyl windows are easier and faster to install than wood windows, as they are lighter and more standardized. Vinyl windows can take about 2 to 4 hours per window to install, depending on the type and size of the window. Wood windows are heavier and more complex to install than vinyl windows, as they may require modifications, finishing, and sealing. Wood windows can take about 4 to 6 hours per window to install, depending on the type and size of the window.


Vinyl and wood windows are two of the most popular window materials, but they have different pros and cons that you need to consider before making a decision. Vinyl windows are cheaper, easier to maintain, and more readily available than wood windows, but they are less durable, less energy efficient, and less customizable than wood windows. Wood windows are more expensive, harder to maintain, and less available than vinyl windows, but they are more durable, more energy efficient, and more customizable than vinyl windows. Ultimately, the best choice for your home depends on your budget, preferences, and needs. You can also consult a professional window installer or contractor for more advice and guidance.